Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rhubarb and Raspberry Jelly

The kittens dropped my camera on the floor. I think it may be slightly damaged.

This is light and bright and simple. The first time I made it I flavoured the rhubarb with a little fresh ginger. The jelly was lovely but the colour was weak. The raspberries add beautiful colour but their own flavour overpowers the gentle vegetable. Whichever way you choose it's a great low calorie way to make a spring pudding.

Wipe clean three sticks of rhubarb and cut into chunky sections. Pick over your raspberries, use about 200g, and put all the fruit into a heavy saucepan with just enough water to cover the base of the pan, no more. Sprinkle a couple of spoonfuls of sugar over to your taste (it won't need much). Put a lid on it.

Heat very gently until the water starts to simmer and the juice begins to run from the fruit then turn off the heat and leave the pan, cover in place for 10 or 15 minutes. The mixture will continue to cook in the residual heat.

To set the jelly I used a commercial product, Vege-gel, which is carrageenan based. Add the powder to 300ml of cold water in a saucepan and whisk it in. Bring the mixture to the boil and simmer for a moment, then pour the liquid into your fruit.

Mix well and spoon out into four individual moulds (or set in a pretty single bowl). Vege-gel, like agar agar, sets quickly at room temperature.

Serve with vegan ice-cream or make a fruit coulis for posh dinners.

We paid £3.55 for five sticks of rhubarb in Waitrose and felt ripped off, then a friend gave us a huge bundle and we were blessed. Raspberries aren't in season yet and so are expensive. These were on their sell by date and marked down to 60p and although I had to remove a few mouldy specimens they were fine for cooking with.


Angela said...

What a gorgeous color! I love rhubarb. I'll be visiting in-laws in town next week and I'm crossing my fingers that their farmers' market is a)already open for the year and b)well-stocked with my favorite spring-time treats.

La Bête said...

I love rhubarb too. But I don't like the idea of vegan ice cream. Blech! What's wrong with milk, for heaven's sake?

Catofstripes said...

Ah Bête, it's vegan ice cream because this is a vegan blog and we don't eat stuff from cows. You may substitute at will.

(You can't get milk without mummy cows and half of all the baby cows born are boys and will be killed. Vegans find this insupportable, one might just as well eat meat if that is what's required to get milk. Also, there are some issues of exploitation but that's probably for another day. If you really want the full debate, can we do it by mail?)

jb said...

This looks so good, and perfect for spring!