Friday, May 30, 2008

Terrine of Artichoke Heart

I had one of those huge artichokes. I'd had all the leaves, nibbled away in true rodent fashion and the heart was tender and full, just calling out to be used in some more elegant way than being coated with vinaigrette and gobbled up.

This is really nothing more than another retro recipe, a jellied salad, vegetables in aspic, a chilled vegetable terrine for a summer starter or to form part of a buffet on a hot day.


Ultimately it didn't quite deliver what I wanted, the olives were too salty, the broad beans a little diffident and the artichoke nearly overpowered by the tomato lemon juice jelly. Eaten with Plamil egg free mayonnaise and some crusty bread it was pleasant enough but the subtleties need work.

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