Thursday, January 17, 2008

Warm Salad

We've been trying to get more leafy greens into our diet and last night Mr. Stripey Cat put together a fantastic warm salad pretty much off the top of his head. There are pictures but not on my camera, if they become available I'll add one to this post. UPDATE *** PICTURE IS NOW HERE ***

warm salad

The idea of a warm salad is not so much to have cooked greens, the salad leaves are still raw and uncooked, but to add some hot ingredients and most importantly a warmed dressing so that there is added flavour, a little wilting of the greens and a harmonious crunchy whole to tuck into. This isn't really very seasonal but a quiet longing for summer is setting in the house and we really felt we deserved a change of pace.

In the salad last night we had a big bowl of ready washed mixed salad with added finely chopped celery and some spring onions chopped and mixed through, some oven roasted baby plum tomatoes, a few cubes of boiled potatoes, some toasted cashew nuts, a small square of tofu, chopped, marinaded in soy sauce and fried and some wholewheat bread croutons.

After frying the croutons and the tofu sequentially in some good oil enhanced with a few drops of toasted sesame seed oil, some finely chopped garlic went into the pan with some ground black pepper and fried for a few seconds and then the whole lot was deglazed with some red wine vinegar and poured over the prettily arranged salad. Delicious.

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