Chickpea flour pancake with tomatoes and herbs. Gram flour doesn't hold together as well as wheat flour does in pancakes so I was pleased with the almost crepe like finish on this one. A simple topping of chopped tomatoes (yes, I used a tin but fresh, skinned and diced would have been better if tomatoes were in season) and a sprinkling of flavour filled herbs, mint, coriander, rocket and lambs lettuce made a good thing better.
It's been a time for reflection and grieving and so cooking hasn't been high on my agenda. Still, my whole world knows me as someone who cooks and Candice was no exception. Up until the last she was sending messages to me exhorting me to get the cook book on the road. I teased her about death bed wishes, they are extortion and likely to be agreed to in the stress of the moment with no real intention of carrying out the final request. She responded by getting other friends to harass me on her behalf.
Frankly, I don't believe I'm up to the job and since I fear failure even more than I fear hard work then the depth of my inability to believe in myself is starkly revealed. There is so much competition out there, from the likes of Bryanna, Isa , even Katie and her excellent little 'zines not to mention a whole raft of other vegan bloggers and loads of books written and published by more conventional means.
I simply don't know how to sell myself against such established successes.
However, I have resolved to take the coward's way out and compile my book with the intention of releasing it to a disinterested public via the modern vanity publishing route. So maybe sometime soon Lulu or Blurb or perhaps WritersWorld, although they are bit coy about setting up costs, will be carrying my tome. Well, maybe.