Monday, January 02, 2012

Happy New Year

There's still time...

Happy New Year - it's really just another day, further hours, some more minutes and seconds since the last year but there is something about arbitrarily marking off a period of time makes us draw breath and consider our place in the universe.

For this blog then, the time has come for a radical rethink, a rebuild and a new direction. I'm not yet sure where to take it after five years of documenting a little of my life, some of my attitude to cookery and a lot of my rather mundane meals but I feel this old shell has been outgrown.

Expect a small hiatus, after that I hope to be back starting something new, that won't be entirely unfamiliar but will present the old favourites in a new way and give the new techniques a chance to become more comfortable.

To the next stage... Cheers.


Rose said...

Happy New Year Stripey Cat! Looking forward to whatever your blog brings in 2012.

Catofstripes said...

Thank Rose, good luck to you too. Your recipes are always worth reading.

Ken said...

I hope you don;t delete what's here though! I just recommended the blog to a friend looking for recipes.

Catofstripes said...

It's taking me longer than expected to come up with a new format. I sort of know what I want, it's implementing it that's stopping me. For the time being, things will stay as they are.