Friday, March 14, 2008

Boston Baked Aduki Beans with Sweet Potato Hot Pot

Boston Baked Aduki Bean with Sweet Potato Hotpot

The title says it all really. I had some cooked aduki beans left from an intention to experiment with red bean paste and a need for supper so I made a sauce with tomatoes, onions, black treacle and spices, popped in some smoky tofu and put the whole thing on to simmer for a couple of hours in a coolish oven.

An hour before serving I sliced the sweet potato, lightly oiled them and laid them out on a tray on the top shelf of the oven. Whacked up the heat to give them a lovely roasted appearance (the spare bits of sweet potato went in the pot) then, when they were cooked and golden on both sides used them to cover the beans.

The dish then languished in the warm oven for a while as our dinner guest was late but it was smashing nonetheless.

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