Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pie Floater

Or How I nearly Did a Delia

Pie Floater

I feel a bit guilty about the Haggis post - after all Burns' Night was months ago and then I forgot the recipe but I'm not sure tonight's supper really qualifies as cooking at all.

It's a classic vehicle for short cut cookery, take some ready made short crust pastry, some pie filling of choice (and as this is a vegan blog that's going to be something TVP and frozen) and a can of Mushy Peas. Combine. Add sauce.

Actually, although I did use some commercial pastry the pie filling was almost cookery. Fry off some onions, add some cubed tempeh and then coat in a gravy. I would have used miso but we'd run out. Allow to cool a little before filling individual portion sized pies.

I could have used a can of mushy peas, we keep one in the store cupboard for emergencies but as it happened a serendipitous accident with some split green peas and the pressure cooker had provided a plentiful supply of the old green sludge. Lightly seasoned with salt, pepper, tabasco and a knob of marg. this was heated and thinned down a bit to create the necessary and substantial pea soup that makes this Australian speciality.

Oh yeah, and I quite gratuitously added oodles of garden herbs; sage, mint and rosemary to the pie filling and chopped parsley to the peas.

When Sheila taught me this recipe more years ago than I care to remember she somehow managed to overlook telling me about the tomato sauce that wikipedia assures me is essential. Can't think how that happened, Bruce.


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