Sunday, April 26, 2009

Last Supper

Actually, it was the last Sunday lunch that Mr. Stripey Cat had with me before leaving to go back to the UK after a week getting me settled in at the farm. We've had a marvellous time, with beautiful weather and have made great progress with the vegetable patch but we've not spent a lot of time cooking or eating, too much else to do.

Today, we made a proper lunch.

leek tart

It's still not very complicated cooking but it made use of some of the last of the leeks from the garden, cooked down until golden and used to cover some ready made pastry. Extra decoration and flavour was added by some strips of yellow pepper and I would have dotted some olives on top, but they'd er... passed their best.

To serve with it, some roasted potatoes and some braised endives, simmered down with dry white wine and seasonings to make a jus.

leek tart plated

Lunch was taken in the garden. We've managed to eat outside for all but two meals this week, but the weather which has been absolutely wonderful is now going over a little and has become cold and showery.

I'll be cooking for one for the next 10 days, made slightly more complicated by not having my car so look out for a lot of store cupboard basics - I won't be going shopping and may have to forage for some veg. - but I will try to blog each of my main meals as I make them.

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