Monday, March 01, 2010

Day 28 - They think it's all over

risotto real close
A close encounter with Mushroom Risotto

And the final day was reached, and I broke a filling and so we ended up with soft food.

I could tell you how to make this, but then I'd have to kill you because it's a very special recipe that only the Mr. cooks. He brought it with him from the Planet Zarg when he joined us from that distant world many years ago and it's dead good. Maybe you'll get lucky and be invited round for dinner one day.

What did we make of our 28 (ish) days of healthy living? It was pretty easy and some of the stuff we tried, smaller portions, less salt, reduced (but not absent) alcohol seem like good ideas that we could keep up with. But I have to admit the first things I made when the time was up were Onion Bhajis and tonight we had roast veg with plenty of oil. Still, everything in moderation and when the first excitement is over I'm sure it'll get back to normal around here.

And the blog - it's been like doing that Month of Posting thing that I see others doing every year or so. A fun challenge but ultimately draining. It's going to be a bit quieter for a while now, but if anything really good pops up you'll hear about it here and first!

risotto onna plate


elderly rock chick said...

yum! risotto is one of the rare things i can cook!

Catofstripes said...

He does make a particularly good one I must say.

Interesting post of yours about the horse, I don't ever recall having to do that particular task when I was horsey, so best of luck :-)

Shaheen said...

Looks really good.

You made me smile finishing your healthy eating kick with an onion bhaji.

Catofstripes said...

Hi mangocheeks, nothing like enforced separation from fried food to make you really appreciate it! Thanks for the comment :)