Saturday, February 05, 2011

Friday Night, Saturday Morning

Food in a Japanese Idiom

We like Japanese food a lot but although Mr. Stripey has travelled to Japan a few times I've never had the opportunity so my attempts at Japanese cookery are well meaning but probably totally inauthentic. Still we enjoyed this supper of inarizushi, tofu with bean sprouts, edamame and some griddled parsnip wafers.

The weekends are always a struggle when we're trying to live clean and frugal. Today we skipped breakfast (apparently a hearty breakfast isn't the way to lose weight) and had a light brunch followed by this rather large comparatively low fat lasagne.

A huge pan of lasagne

I made the pasta myself, which wasn't that much harder than using bought sheets and filled it with two layers of a pumpkin/onion mixture with a central layer of thinly sliced tofu. Some of the last of the home grown tomato passata from the freezer was used top and bottom with a splash in the middle for the tofu.

The topping was interesting (well, for small values of interesting) made from a handful of oven dried okara mixed with sunflower seeds and nutritional yeast and a small splash of oil. The okara worked well like this and could become a regular topping item in place of bread crumbs.

A couple more items to come from the planned menu and then I'll have to think of another one. A problem of planning ahead is that it stifles creativity a bit. We eat well but it's all things I've experience making. Next week I'll try and find some new recipes to share.

Lasagne slice
Pumpkin Tofu Lasagne with Okara topping


AlisonC said...

I had to look up inarizushi but now I think I recognise it as something I've had in those little trays of mixed sushi. Did you make them yourself, and if so can you buy the tofu skins or did you have to make that too? :-o

catofstripes said...

The skins are available ready prepared although most of the one we get have MSG added unfortunately, not that I have problem with MSG, I just like to have a choice. All you have to do is fill them with sushi rice and/or other things of your choice.

Alex said...

Pumpkin/onion mixture? That sounds incredibly delicious. Was it as amazing as it sounds?