Thursday, June 02, 2011

It's pizza it must be Italian...

white pizza

I read an awful lot of pizza menus while I was away, I don't recall potato appearing on any of them. Still, the white pizza was represented in a few places and I've always enjoyed the carb hit from a dose of spud on dough, chip butty or foreign.

This was cooked using a tip I picked up on David Lebovitz recently or was it the Pioneer Woman, either way it wasn't exactly something I didn't know already but a useful reminder. To overcome the limitations of my underpowered and inadequately regulated oven I used a preheated cast iron pan for the dough which gave something that much more closely resembled the wood fired oven pizzas I love the best.

Make your favourite pizza dough. I have to admit this one was the absolute simplest I could do but actually that's not a bad thing. For the topping I used 100g of soy yoghurt mixed with a couple of tablespoons of nutritional yeast, a glug of good olive oil and plenty of freshly chopped garlic. The potatoes were some of the batch I cooked yesterday, waxy early season sorts that slice neatly. I'm sure that with a decent oven you could use raw potatoes but that's really not an option with the set up I'm currently using. A proper wood fired oven is on the list but probably not this year.

Get the oven hot, and heat the pan on the hob. Be careful, it's hot. Lightly oil the pan.

Roll or pat out the dough to shape - mine is oval to match the pan, it's not a photographic fail. When the pan is hot, drop the dough into it, then I kept mine over a low heat while I spread the yoghurt garlic base and arranged the potatoes. I sprinkled some chopped cornichons over as I had no capers but capers are best. Dress the top with a little more oil and pepper and put in the oven for ten minutes.

Finally add some torn basil leaves and cook for five minutes more. Tonight I'm enjoying this with a 2006 Cotes de Roussillon which is much better than I expected and I hope I can find some more.


Z said...

Your blog is really interesting, I must look through your archives. I'm still thinking about potato pizza though. Would a sliced tomato enhance or ruin it?

Gloria Baker said...

This pizza look amazing! gloria

Rose said...

I definitely think Italians put potatoes on pizza, yours looks great!

Catofstripes said...

Hi Z, thank you. It wouldn't be a white pizza any more with a tomato on it but otherwise I think it would be quite good. Depends on your tolerance for solanums really.

Thanks Gloria and Rose.