Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Dinner for one

Stuffed Peppers with Smashed potatoes

I'm beginning to think I should retitle this blog, My Struggle with Eating. Anyway, today's strategy was to be in the kitchen making lots of things, as if I was cooking for several.

So I made carrot pickles, gomashio, a big pot of boiled potatoes for use over the next couple of days and some stuffed peppers.

The pickles very nearly ended in disaster, I'd bought a huge pack of 'economy' carrots expecting to get two or three large jars of pickles stashed away from them but they were in such poor condition that most were thrown away as soon as I opened the bag. No economy there.

To stuff the peppers I used what the French call blonde lentils, large green ones, the cheaper sort, not from Puy. They're healthy and taste fine. I mixed them with some bulgar wheat and lots of green garlic and ginger. The large green pepper was cut in half, filled with the cooked lentil/bulgar mix, placed in an oven proof dish with some water to keep everything moist and baked for about an hour.

To serve with them I took some of my pot of boiled spuds, crushed them with the flat side of a knife and roasted them with olive oil and salt at the same time as the peppers. It's a good way of making dull old potatoes more interesting and they can be flavoured as you like, with extra herbs or spices.

It wasn't the best meal I've ever had but it's a marked improvement on the slops I've been eating. Things can only get better.

1 comment:

Gloria Baker said...

This look yummy, I love it! gloria