Thursday, August 02, 2007

losing the plot

Posts are slipping behind, sorry.

Last night's dinner was unremarkable, macaroni and cheese. The sauce was made with soya yoghurt flavoured with nutritional yeast and other seasonings. It was o.k.

Possibly the only thing I have to say about it as a dish is that for a while now reading food blogs I've been amazed by the number of bloggers raving about Mac'n'Cheese. Maybe I've led a sheltered life but it took me weeks, maybe months to work out that this title referred to a standard menu item from my British youth and was not some esoteric reference to the haz cheezburger desires of the lolcats or even a description of a simple facsimile of a certain Burger Chain's output.

So I'm naive, what can I say!

Tonight, we just drank. The homelife of the Stripey Cats is a bit less than lovely at the moment, but we're confident things can only get better.

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