Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jacket Spuds

on the coals

I decided today's economy measure would be to cook my dinner in the woodburner although quite how economical several sheets of aluminium foil are compared to the gas I would have used in the cooker oven without foil is a moot point.

The potatoes were first given half an hour to the sides of the logs, as shown and then a further half hour directly on the embers. I feel all Valerie Singleton or do I mean Ray Mears? Not a lot in it I wouldn't have thought.

ready to eat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely more Mears than Singleton (which I'm sure is how you'd prefer it) otherwise there would have been one you prepared earlier using sticky back plastic and an empty bottle of washing up liquid; obviously not Fablon or Squeezy (originally Squezy I'm told).