Sunday, May 29, 2011

Back from Italy

bf15 cooked

Spuds from the garden.

It was very challenging getting enough vegan food in Italy, especially given the constraints of our stay which was hotel based and without self-catering facilities. I have a new appreciation of vegetables and a desire to eat everything in the garden. Except the slugs, obviously.

I did get an Italian cookery book, one dealing solely with vegetable dishes. Not many of them are vegan but there's enough inspiration there for some Italian styled creations to come in the next few weeks. And we had one or two nice pasta meals which I shall try to recreate.


Rose said...

Your garden potatoes are thing of beauty. How sweet and satisfying they look.

Also looking forward to some veganized Italian dishes!

Just Me said...

I love potatoes and wished they loved me. I love love love your blog. I am new at this and can not figure out how to follow you or add you to my favorites. I hope to find you again. Enjoy your garden the birds are loving my tomatoes.

Z said...

It would be very difficult to find vegan food in many countries, I should think. Sometimes, one comes across unexpected ingredients that aren't described on the menu. A friend of mine at a conference in Poland (so she was not able to go shopping for her own food) collapsed because she hadn't eaten and ended up in hospital.

The odd thing about hotels and restaurants is that, whatever beautiful vegetables are in the local markets, you never seem to be served them. I never get served enough variety of veg, and I'm not even vegetarian.

Catofstripes said...

Hi Rose, thanks. You might have to wait for the Italian recipes, I've become obsessed with Chinese flavours since getting back.

Hello JustMe. Thank you for the kind comments. There is a subscribe link right at the bottom of the page.

Z, it's not always as hard as it seems to get vegan food but this time was a bit of a struggle. Even with Italian friends to do the talking for me I've had trouble, but I do know some Italian vegans so perhaps there is hope yet. Maybe I'll avoid Poland for now though!

Unknown said...

That dish of boiled new potatoes (with a knob of butter in the middle) looks gorgeous. Are vegans allowed knobs of butter, though?

Catofstripes said...

Hello Mike and Ann, the potatoes were lovely, a variety called BF15 which isn't often grown in the UK.

The 'butter' is a vegan spread, you'd call it margarine I'm afraid, and is o.k. certainly looks the part. I usually have olive oil on my spuds even so.