Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ginger Nuts

If you sniggered when you read that title, you're probably not British, and if you are British you'll recognise that what I've cooked this evening is not quite Ginger Nuts. Regretfully I give you Ginger Cookies!

ginger cookies

Not quite sure what went wrong. I've always found the subtle variations of quantities of syrup and fat in these biscuits to be intriguing and difficult to master and so I suppose, as my attention was divided by being on the phone to Mr. Stripey Cat at the same time I made them, that I just didn't get it quite right again. Proper nuts are flat, crisp, covered with tiny cracks like canyons and snap when you break them. These didn't spread, didn't get cracks and are still pretty much ball shaped.

Anyway, they're o.k. spicy, sweet, crisp on the outside and slightly chewy within and very cheering on a lousy wet cold evening in deepest Normandy.

Preheat your oven to about 160C

50g margarine
50g golden syrup
50g soft brown sugar

Put these ingredients in a pan and gently melt together. When the sugar is dissolved in the fat add,

175g plain flour
1 tsp. ground ginger
pinch ground chilli pepper
1/2 tsp. baking powder or flat tsp. bicarbonate of soda

Mix it all together. It will form a dough a bit like Playdoh. Nip small portions off (about walnut sized) and form into balls. Place them on your greased baking sheet, not too close to each other in case they spread, and cook for - I don't know, I was on the phone - about 17 to 20 minutes. They'll turn golden when they're ready.

Cool on a rack and dust with a bit of icing sugar for prettiness. Brew some strong coffee and enjoy.


Unknown said...

these sound wonderful, will have to convert to us measures, but want to definitely try.

Catofstripes said...

Thank you for the compliment. They had hardened up a little by the next day, still good for dunking but rather chewier so I recommend you keep an eye on them in the oven and don't bake them too long.