Monday, May 17, 2010

Un Volcan


It's been harder than I expected to have guests and keep up with the blogs. I feel strangely shy about making everyone wait for five, ten, fifteen minutes while I take the pictures - it sort of reminds me of making visitors say grace when they weren't expecting to.

Also, with hungry workers to feed and less time to cook I've been avoiding the innovative in favour of the tried and true so not a lot to report really.

Still, this was a small and easy success. A cottage pie made with courgettes, tomatoes and herbes de Provence topped off with potato and celeriac mash. Tasty and filling.


Rose said...

It does look like a little volcano! And it sounds delicious.

Barnacle Bertha said...

Looks delicious! I like your description of making others wait while you take pictures of the completed meal.