Wednesday, March 02, 2011

History lessons

Ruby Chard soup with leaf garnish

The first digital camera I owned was a little Ixus point and shoot. I've just spent a happy half hour looking through my archives to see which photo taken with it qualifies as the first food picture. There aren't that many to choose from, mostly birthday cakes, but I think it was the one above which shows some beet and chard (probably) soup probably made with produce from the allotments we had then. That was taken in October 2003, several years before this blog was started, before I'd even considered opening up my mealtimes to the world.

Keeping a blog running for nearly five years has changed the way we live our lives. We stop to take the picture before we eat, the menu is shaped by desires to make the next entry interesting to readers, novelty can sometimes overwhelm good taste and the predictability of weekday meals makes finding something to share in writing a task to fear rather than one to enjoy. It's a funny hobby for someone who's basically not all that keen on telling anyone anything.

Still, here we are and this is what's been done. In the next few months I think there'll need to be some changes around here. Perhaps a new format, perhaps a new direction. History might repeat itself but life never stands still.

Irish Range Dec 2002

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