Monday, April 11, 2011

Healthy eating

quinoa nettle bake
Quinoa Nettle Bake

I've not been feeling too well for a few days and have decided this is, in part at least, due to the rather naff diet I've been feeding myself over the last month. I set out to make a meal bursting full of goodness and vital nutrition.

Quinoa is a magical seed grain, full of excellent things. The 100g I used today in this dish provided a third of my protein and iron for the day and half my needs in folate, phosphorus and magnesium. It also happens to be easy to grow so although this particular meal was made with imported produce, it can easily be made part of a locavore diet. I cooked it before combining it with the other ingredients.

Nettles are traditionally established as a good spring tonic, containing Vitamins A, C and K along with iron and other minerals. Pick just the tops (use gloves), wash well and blanch in boiling water for five minutes before draining and chopping well as you would spinach.

To flavour the nettles I used ginger and garlic, both with health merits of their own. Tomatoes, brown bread and sesame seeds made the crispy topping and virgin olive oil greased the dish and was sprinkled over the food to help the bread cubes turn golden. It all cooked in a hot oven for about 40 minutes.

It's good stuff. I expect to be much healthier tomorrow.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Oooh, that bake looks/sounds so good! And I do feel slightly healthier just from looking at it :)

Did it stay together when you served it, or did it get all crumbly? Either way, sounds delicious.