Tuesday, June 19, 2007



An attempt at a posh pudding. It doesn't look too posh here, as the intention was to turn the set jelly out and cube it for service. The jelly would have done that but the cherries were too difficult to slice in the soft matrix and generally just wrecked the joint. Which was a pity but I ate it up anyway because it tasted nice.

To 500ml of almond milk add 2g agar agar powder and about 25g granulated sugar. Bring to a simmer over a gentle heat and cook for a few minutes. Pour into a mould adding fruits as desired. Sets within an hour but nicest well chilled.

For my dinner I turned to a Croq'soya burger, served with chips, fried onions, a tomato salad and a dill pickle. How unhealthy is that.


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