Then I remembered my old food processor is no more, the mini-hachette would need to be loaded a million times and I have no pestle and mortar. Yes, that's right, no pestle, no mortar. It's a blow.
Anyway, that meant instead of delightfully raw green sauce for my spaghetti I had to settle for this lightly wilted one instead.
Get your pasta water on, plenty and well salted. As soon as it's boiling, stick the spaghetti in and cook until it's how you like it.
Meanwhile, chop a potato into small dice and put into a generous but not excessive gloop of hot olive oil. I used a raw one but if you had a cooked one leftover it would be fine to use. Let it fry gently for a while until cooked through and beginning to colour.
Add a green onion, bulb and leaves, chopped reasonably finely. Stir it into the hot potatoes and turn off the heat. Season well with ground black pepper.
Chop a really big bunch of dry rocket with a very sharp knife into fine shreds and then cross cut to make it even smaller.
When your pasta is cooked, drain it, retaining just a little water.
Turn the heat under the potatoes back on again, throw in the rocket and stir fry until it's softened and reduced in volume, then add the pasta, toss well, adjust seasoning and serve.

I thought this treatment gave the rocket a slight taste of seaweed, an observation in molecular gastronomy that might repay investigation at another time.
I came over from Ed's blog. I loved his last post and laughed out loud at the comments (yours included!). This dish looks very yummy and easy. I will definitely try it. I have added you to my blog roll.
Hi ya
I too enjoyed the comments on Ed's blog!
I make Freddie rocket linguine which he loves.
Though it comes from a supermarklet and not my measly garden!
Are you any good at biscuit baking as we are strugglign with watercress biscuits on our blog - ( W FOR Watercress!)
Hello Meg, nice to meet you and read your blog. I was really surprised by Ed's post, he seems such a serious chap usually, so I wanted to join in the fun. But I am very lucky to be able to do pretty much what I want out here on the farm, except for the day the farmer came around to ask about haymaking and I was wall paper stripping the hall in the nude. The door is a glass one!
Charlotte, hello again. I did see your post about watercress but don't really have any ideas. As you'll have seen googling only turns up American biscuits/scone type recipes and not crisp crackers. I wonder if you could crisp the watercress in the oven first like kale crisps or chinese 'seaweed' and then incorporate it into a cheese cracker. Don't know if the tang would survive the treatment. Good luck.
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