Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 9 - Bread Making Day

bread making day

Bread gets a hard time from 'healthy' eaters, too high in carbohydrate and calories, too easy to eat too much, too full of gluten and other allergens.

I love it. Even more, I love home made bread. There is almost no purchased bread I've ever tried that comes close to it (one bakery in France stands out) and as for supermarket pap, forget it.

The dough was started yesterday but because I was using a slow raise method it wasn't ready to bake until this morning. I've made three loaves from my 5kg of dough, one to eat now and two to freeze for later, and put the rest by to make flat breads, pizza bases and grissini during the week, which will leave just enough old dough in 9 or 10 days time to start the next batch.

The slow rise, low added yeast approach addresses most of the problems that are associated with modern bread and I can nothing better than to point you in the direction of Bread Matters by Andrew Whitely where he expounds on the issue in great and interesting length. If you can afford it, taking one of his courses is well worth while too.

Left over bread shouldn't be wasted either. I've just made some great croutons with some old hard crusts I found in the bread bin, so hard that they had to be cracked through with the bread knife to make cubes. Spread out on a baking tray and left for 20 minutes in a medium oven they turned golden and crispy without the need for any added oil at all. Ideal for eating with the leftover soup from Monday.


Anonymous said...

Home made bread good. Didn't you eat yesterday? :-)

Catofstripes said...

Hi Anonymous - would you like to pick a pseudonym so I can distinguish you from all the others? ;)

yeah, we ate but it was a sort of cottage pie affair made with left over beans and stuff. A picture was taken but it's still on the Mr.'s camera and wouldn't have been that inspiring anyhow. Will try to do better today.