Tuesday, November 30, 2010

When Good Vegans go Bad

Here it is, the end of Vegan MoFo and I've not hit the quota. Including this post just 14 entries for the month. Still, I'm not going to beat myself up about it, it's been a good experience and there's been so much interesting writing going on from other people to read that I doubt my laziness will have been noticed much.

My excuses, well, they're many. This week we've been doing some house redecorating and meals are hearty, basic and easy to cook, but hardly worth blogging about. For example, tonight we're having Pasta Bake made with the leftovers of yesterday's Turkish Lentil and Bulgar soup and if I can't restrain myself including the even older leftovers of a bean loaf which was itself created from a leftover Thai Green Curry. At least I'm good at recycling.

This month has also seen a storm in a teacup over the defection of Voracious Vegan to the dark side. I'm almost disinclined to link to it, I think she's had far too much exposure already but I was really surprised to find her shockwaves spilling over into omni forums I inhabit and not even foodie ones at that. It seems she's touched the same chord in the meateaters as the one that makes them feel really good about themselves.

As far as I'm concerned she's welcome to eat what she wants but did she really think that her exposition on her changed lifestyle was the best way to let a disinterested world know about her return to her old dietary habits, or is she so far up her own fundament that she thought it was news worth reporting in such an attention grabbing manner? What do you think?


Annie said...

Totally agree.

Jen Treehugger said...

I don't really care about VV's announcement. If it had been me I woulda just dropped off the blogosphere or started up a new blog. I certainly wouldn't have made it public knowledge. But different strokes for different folks hey.
Well done for all your MoFo'ing.

Rose said...

Good work on the 14 posts! I didn't reach my goal of 20 either, but no worries; it's all in good fun and for a good cause.

I never followed VV's blog, but I do think her announcement was very contrived, and I think she's either a plant for the meat industry (pun intended hee-hee) or just plain whacko.