This Hallowe'en pumpkin head is my current self portrait. I feel orange, ugly, and essentially empty headed. Although I've not quite completed Vegan Mofo 2011 (I've never done one completely yet) it's all over for me.
I was kindly given the Liebster Award by Jeni Treehugger.
“Liebster” is German and means ‘dearest’ or ‘beloved’ but it can also mean ‘favorite’. The idea behind this award is to bring attention to bloggers who have less than 200 followers and show your support during Vegan Mofo!
The rules of winning this award are as follows:
1. Show your thanks to those who gave you the award by linking back to them.
2. Reveal 5 of your top picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. Enjoy the love and support of some wonderful people on the www!
This is very difficult for me because I love you all and I have many many blogs on my reader list. Also I have no idea how many followers most of you have or whether you've been awarded already but this mofo I have mostly been reading...
Tea and Sympatico
Cooking Vegan food Up North
The Vegan Cupboard
The Vegina Monologues (I cannot tell a lie, it's the title that hooked me)
But I'm not going to lay the obligation on further. If you think you've found a good blog that's under-appreciated then tell the world. That's all it needs.
thanks for the award! I've enjoyed reading your posts and am hoping you will blog about the forthcoming supper clubs too!
I noticed you've already received a nomination for a Liebster but I thought I'd nominate you as well. Great photos and love the pumpkin!
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