A trip to the beach on the last day of July produced a dilemma. Should we stop for frites from a beachside vendor or head home and make use of our own hard won potatoes?
Sanity triumphed, delicious as frites are straight from the stall a lot of their appeal lies in their immediacy, achieved at some cost to quality and healthful practice. We cooked our own chips.
Note these are styled in the British manner, chunky, uneven to an extent, neither prissy matchsticks nor processed extrusions. Frying is in two operations, a first dousing in hot oil to seal the outsides and cook the middles, followed by a second immersion in the reheated oil to bring everything to a glorious golden brown.
We did make some concessions to the Continent; garlic mayonnaise (made with the Plamil vegan mayo) is an innovation worthy of adoption but at least some of the chips were doused in salt and vinegar to honour tradition.