Saturday, July 21, 2007

Saturday was a long day


And I didn't get a lot to eat so late in the evening, for me anyway, I made a couple of easy, luxurious sorts of food to cheer myself up.

Above, Canapés with Coarse Cut Guacamole. The avocados were in a perfect state of ripeness so it seemed nicer to keep the natural texture.

Below, one of the problems with food blogging. If I tell you that this baked pudding has bananas, muscovado sugar, coconut milk and rum in it your imagination will tell you it's likely to be delicious (unless you hate one of the ingredients of course) but if I show you the picture you may be put off. Don't be, this is a really easy and totally wonderful pudding. Be sure to allow at least two bananas per serving.

banana pudding

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