Thursday, July 26, 2007

Two Courses, Two diners, Two cooks


Ratatouille - that most abused and currently most filmic, almost unique example of French vegan dishes.

To cook authentically; Each vegetable must be prepared and cooked separately before assembly into the final glorious melange. Use onions, courgettes, aubergines, peppers and combine with tomatoes, basil, black pepper and as much olive oil as you can accommodate. Don't forget the garlic. This was my contribution to the meal.

For pudding we had
Bananas - Drunk as punch.

Unlike my rather caramelly and browned coconut milk simmered bananas these are cooked in sugar and alcohol alone. The simmering reduces the alcoholic content considerably leaving soft and soothing bananas in a rich sweet sauce that calls out for the addition of vegan vanilla icecream. This is Paul's own creation.

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