Friday, August 01, 2008

Blogroll Update

I thought I'd try the new Blogger thing everyone else has been using for weeks. Unfortunately it seems to be broken just now. I don't think it's me because I tested the function in my private playpen and it worked just fine. Anyway, when this finally sorts itself out I hope it will show the five most recently updated blogs from the 30 or so I've listed. This should mean everyone gets a chance to be near the top of the list and get visitors. Ain't technology great.

UPDATE: Who the hell knows what's going on with Blogger? It just told me I couldn't sign in because I'd disabled cookies and javascript. Which I haven't. Then, mysteriously I was signed in. It's acting like a virus, which is worrying. OTOH the way hackers seem to get into Wordpress is slowing up my intention to move everything over there. What's a poor blogger to do? Still, for the moment my reader seems to be playing so I'm going to try again to sort out the blog roll.

UPDATE 2: Oh no it isn't.

UPDATE 3: Which means that there are half dozen of you that I can't get to list at the moment so don't be sad if you're not listed. This is going to have to be revisited but I just don't have the mental energy for it right now.

UPDATE 4: See how much I love you, I've just cut and pasted 34 entries individually into the list since the reader link isn't working. Be warned they are not all vegan, I'm interested in cooking ideas, not ideologies so my reading is eclectic.

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