A warming soup made with the vegetables of the Three Sisters growing plan, pumpkin, beans and sweetcorn. I'd love to be able to say all the vegetables were grown here but the deer (or possibly the stray dog) ate my corn, which was already pretty stunted from poor soil and hail attack early in the season so I had to take recourse to a tin.
Prepare your beans. I have undried shelling beans from my climbing haricots at the moment which just need to be parboiled for a few minutes before use. If you are using dried beans then you will need to soak them and cook them until soft before starting. Or you could use a can! Observant viewers will see I had a couple of bean pods still tender enough to include whole but they're not essential.
Chop up an onion finely and sweat in a little oil. Add cubed pumpkin pieces - I used a variety called Melonette Jaspée de Vendée, a small fruited very sweet pumpkin but whatever you have will do - a couple of handfuls for two big bowls of soup, so you won't use a whole fruit. Stir around in the oniony oil and then add hot water to cover. Allow to simmer, 15-20 minutes, until the pumpkin is soft. Whizz up with the hand blender to a creamy smooth stock.
Add your beans and corn and bring back to a simmer for a few minutes. As I said, I used tinned corn but it would be infinitely better with the grains freshly cut from a sweet milky cob. Season with salt and pepper. Enjoy.
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